Troubled Amy Winehouse drank herself to death day after telling her mother 'I love you' over lunch

Amy Winehouse drank herself to death alone only a day after meeting her mother for lunch and telling her: ‘I love you, Mum.’

The multi-millionaire singer had repeatedly tried but failed to overcome her addiction to alcohol, particularly vodka, and drugs.

Miss Winehouse, 27, was found at her North London home by a bodyguard on Saturday afternoon.

She was believed to be ‘devastated’ after splitting up with her on-off boyfriend, film director Reg Traviss, who was seen outside her home hours after her body was discovered.

Her family will be given the results of a post-mortem examination today which will finally allow them to bury her.

Drawn to drink: Amy Winehouse on stage in 2008 sipping a large glass of wine

It has been claimed she had bought drugs the night before her death but a preliminary police investigation has shown no drug paraphernalia was found at Miss Winehouse’s £2.5million home.
Police sources have indicated she died following a drink binge.

Asked about the circumstances of Miss Winehouse's death, her PR spokesperson Chris Goodman told The Sun: 'Amy was on her own at home apart from a security guard who we had appointed to help look after he over the past couple of years.

'She was in her bedroom after saying she wanted to skeep and when he went to wake her he found she wasn't breathing.