CTET 2011 Result Declared on July 26, 2011

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has published Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) Exam Results 2011. CBSE CTET Results 2011 announced on 26th July, 2011 at 19:30 Hrs. Central Board of Secondary Education CTET Examination held in June 2011. To know more about the results, candidates can visit the CBSE's official website: http://cbse.nic.in/.

The CTET result is declared for both paper-1 and paper-2. There were 150 questions in each paper. Student with 90 or more marks are declared qualified. The result shows individual marks obtained in different sections too. It was not compulsory to get 60% marks in individual sections. The candidates getting very less marks in one section but getting good marks in other section with overall percentage more than 60% are going to get qualifying certificate.

It means you must get overall 60% marks (90 marks out of 150) to get the qualifying certificate. individual marks in different section are not much relevant..

Central teacher eligibility test - June 2011 result declared on to date July 26, 2011 in the evening. The result is now available in CBSE result website cbseresults.nic.in. CTET result is declared for both paper-1 and paper-2. In 150 questions in each paper 90 or more marks scored students are declared as qualified. The result shows individual marks obtained in different sections too. Candidate must get overall 60% marks (90 marks out of 150) to get the qualifying certificate. individual marks in different section are not much relevant.

To get CBSE Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) June 2011 Result : Visit Here